Monday, June 13, 2011

Summary Vs Analysis

When it comes to describing summary and analysis, there are many reasons that make them very distinct from each other; for example, the format, the elements that make it up, and what it presents.
To start off, a summary is a shortened statement of a story, movie, or event that highlights the main points.  A summary can be very useful when trying to get a quick overview of what the entire event or anything to that extent might consist of. A summary can be found on the back of books, movies, and any thing else that can be shortened to illustrate the main goals. There are also several elements included in a summary, for instance the author, title, who, what, where, when, why, and the main idea of the text. The elements involved allow for a smooth and quick presentation of the entire project that is being summarized.
An analysis on the other hand is a detailed examination of the elements by which the movie, story, event or something is made of. To have an analysis one first must have summarized the thing which he or she is summarizing to figure out the main points, so there after the individual can go into detail on explaining the reasoning behind why it is the way that it is. An analysis goes into much more detail of explaining the elements to what is happening and why it is happening, the causes and effects of an event, the meaning behind an object and or the trends that followed throughout. An analysis brings out a better presentation because it is usually longer in length due to the depth in which one goes into to give a better understanding of the entire plot.

Here is an example summary of my favorite book Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss. 
Here is an example analysis of Green Eggs and Ham.


  1. Hi Jaime, Laura Cline here, I'm just testing the comment feature on your blog.

  2. Jaime,
    Good post. I agree with your points about what a summary and an analysis require and entail. I too beleive that an analysis is an in depth look at a movie or book, while the summary is like a quick telling of the main points that might get someone interested in the writing or movie.In a way the analysis is not really an analysis with out the summary in it some where. You have to tell the reader a little bit about what you are talking about before you can go into the details of an analysis other wise the reader will be lost.Keep up the good work.


  3. Hello Jaime
    I agree with you a 100% on your post. I am going to try your advise on the analysis part about summarizing to get the main point and then take it into further detail so that I can have a detailed analysis. I also agree that a summary should be short and sweet and get to the main points quickly.
    Thanks shelly

  4. Lani H said:

    I agree with your explanation of summary. You make the good point that summary is used to describe just about everything in our world from “books to movies.” Although, I agree with you about analysis going deeper into the element of a subject, for myself, I have to be careful that I don’t just create a more detailed summary.
    I love you adding the “Green Eggs and Ham,” by Dr. Seuss. Those silly little stories he told are such timeless classics.

  5. I agree with your statement that format and the elements are a good portion in order to make analysis and summary different from each other. Its very difficult to make a good analysis special from a poem like you said; analysis is a good examination and in order to do that we need to a good re-reader
    Thanks for sharing bro
